I am very interested

I am very interested

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年08月31日

A flash of white light passed, strands of hair scattered and fell away silently, but on the inside of the wolf's ears, a magenta five-pointed star pattern remained on its skin.,As the pentagram bloodline approached, Jing Yang controlled the wolf, who was trying to defend and conserve his strength. Despite having over ten bloody wounds on his body, he roared with all his might, bursting forth with all the power within him, pushing the opponent to the ground. The wolf struggled desperately, refusing to expose its vulnerable belly. Jing Yang manipulated the wolf to pin it down. With two front paws, one pressed against the enemy wolf's head and the other used as a nail, he seized an opportunity and pulled out the opponent's tongue. At the same time, the thin pentagram bloodline controlled by Jing Yang's main body landed precisely on the wolf's exposed tongue under the manipulation of the white light sphere.,Jing Yang gritted his teeth secretly. This strange ability seemed to consume "Mana" only at the moment of its formal activation! And he, with his slender arms and legs, could barely hold on to the Mana bar. Successfully controlling a wolf was already a stroke of luck in itself. He simply didn't have the energy to control a second one… Thinking this way, the enemy wolf let out a desperate struggle. Jing Yang didn't have time to think too much. His eyes turned red with rage as he controlled the wild wolf and bit down. Its sharp teeth pierced through the enemy wolf's trachea, blood gurgling out with each convulsion of its body.。

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