lt;The Machine Break

lt;The Machine Break

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年09月19日

Jixing, belonging to the fourth administrative district of the Xinghe Federation, is the most remote star in the federation's territory. It was originally just a planet with a code name, but due to several brutal battles fought by the defense forces of the federation, it was named Jixing after the highest-ranking general who sacrificed himself there.,Without overthinking the order of these two characters, following the principle of what sounds good, his adoptive father, who had the good fortune to have read a few books, named him—Mu Fan.,There's a mutation! No mistake, that powerful aura, he already smelled the irritability in the mutation, his stomach rumbled. Mu Fan pursed his lips, at this moment, red light surged in his eyes!He wants to eat! It was human primal force, when it met during frantic development, it could make a person release unimaginable power, let alone the familiar taste for Mu Fan!Closing his eyes and reopening them, the faint strange red light in Mu Fan's eyes completely dissipated, but his eyes were incredibly bright. The surrounding darkness seemed to cease to exist, the jungle, insects, birds, all clear in his sight. 。He didn't know when he first discovered that he had the ability of acute night vision. After he accidentally used this ability to find several voles at night, he began to deliberately practice and master this seemingly god-given ability. 。The night sky, thick clouds obscuring the glimmer of stars. 。A "meteor" streaked across the atmosphere, flashing a light across the sky above the clouds...。

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